Sunday, July 3, 2016

Everything is going according to plan...

You are no doubt wondering why I haven't posted an update in awhile. In our family we have a saying: "Everything is going according to plan. Plans are made to be changed. Everything has changed. Therefore everything is going according to plan".

That saying pretty much sums up our last 4+ months. You may already know that Jeffrey's dear mom, Evelyn, passed away in February. We were thankfully still in Florida and changed our plans to get to Gainesville for her final days and wonderful memorial service. Our annual regular March Gainesville visit was definitely missing her sweet presence.

While at our next stop in Jacksonville, we flew to VA and Arlington National Cemetery for the internment of my uncle, Charlie Lavery, who passed away last October. His country honored his service as a 1st Lieutenant in the US Army with a beautiful and moving military ceremony. Though it was a very emotional day, it was special to share it with his beloved wife (my aunt Helen) and with my other aunts and uncles.

With heavy hearts we left Florida and began our trek north. Our path to Raleigh wove us through Gaffney, SC, for Max's annual engine/generator service and a new set of tires ($ ouch). We also did a car-only side trip to Cashiers, NC, to see the beautiful mountain home of Susie and Johnny Wean, cousins of my mom. Once in Raleigh we reconnected with our family and friends in the area and even ventured into western NC in the car for a long weekend in a cabin near Asheville with college friend Mary and her husband (and Jeffrey's brother) David.

For those of you who have been there, it is no surprise that we spent an entire day at the Biltmore estate. We also managed to enjoy a few wineries, the release of a new beer at the Highland Brewing Company, and attending the special event "Fiber Day" at the local Folk Art Center. Nope, it wasn't about eating the right cereals! It is about using fiber materials in the making of clothing and art. Ever see a sheep sheared? We did! Oddly enough we were standing in a small crowd of onlookers that included (Academy, Tony, and Daytime Emmy Award winning) actress Frances McDermand. 

We were within a week of leaving Raleigh when we got an unexpected call from my 2nd-mom, Sheila. Dad was in the hospital and about to have emergency surgery for an ischemic intestine with only a 30% chance of survival. We were lucky to get flights out to Wash. St. early the next morning and were relieved to find him alive but unfortunately very very ill in ICU. Our original plan had been to be spending most of June with them on a cruise seeing the coast of Norway, so plans were changed to instead spend it with them in the fantastic Bellingham hospital that saved his life. 

As I write this post, he is still endearing himself to every nurse, doctor, and therapist that is caring for him, but he is a good healer and getting stronger every day so we hope he gets to go home soon. As a special bonus, Sheila was able to get her own surgery for Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus moved up in the schedule to happen while we were there.  She is already feeling stronger and better able to take care of herself and Dad.

We returned to Max in Raleigh a few days ago and miss seeing Dad and Sheila every day, but are very glad we were able to be with them and help however we could -- even if some days it was just keeping them company and sharing laughs over the newspaper comics.  Below is a picture that family friends, Bill and Laura, took of us in Bellingham.

Waterfront in Bellingham, WA -- Mount Baker in the background
I realize I haven't offered many pictures in this post, so I'll leave you with this... 
The only surprise that we found in Max after leaving him alone for 5 weeks was the critter pictured below hiding outside in the cover to our water softener. Hey, at least it wasn't INSIDE!

"Brown" Widow Spider (hanging upside down)
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